Current Auctions
Weekly Equipment Trucks, Trailers and more!

Check out our Heavy Equipment listings on our partner platform AuctionTime ! New listings posted weekly. AuctionTime auctions run every Wednesday. Please reach out if you would like us to sell your heavy equipment on one of the industry’s largest specialized auction sites.
Metra MGC 800 Grain Cleaner to sell at auction

On February 5th we will be selling at auction this brand new Metra 800 Grain Cleaner on AuctionTime. Retail price over $67,000. See our industrial pieces for sale and auction on !
February General Merchandise

On February 11th, we will be selling an assortment of general merchandise on HiBid!
New in box E-Bike liquidation !!

Saturday March 1st !!! The South Florida Auction Group has been contracted by an E-bike manufacturer to liquidate their overstock at auction. Most units will be new in box. Do not miss out on this opportunity to pick up a bike at an excellent price!
2016 Case 588H Rough Terrain Forklift

Currently for sale prior to auction is this low hours 2016 Case 588H Rough Terrain Forklift. Asking price – $55,000 Visit for more details!
2020 INTERNATIONAL MV – Box truck

Offered prior to auction is this 2020 International MV box truck in good condition. Truck is liftgate equipped. Approximately 253,000 miles on a Cummins 6.7L engine. Please reach out with any questions